Want to strip belly fat? Leg fat? Bum fat?!!
No problem... I've got you covered.
Hands down this has to be the best fat burner around. 😜
Now I'd recommend staying on it for at least 8 weeks, this is when I've seen pretty decent results.
I don't think there's anything quite as good as this.
And it works for like, literally almost anyone.
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Harsh? Maybe so, but we've noticed quite a few people over the past few weeks looking for a quick fix and not wanting to put the effort in.
You didn't get fat in a week so don't expect to find a quick fix at the bottom of a pill bottle or with a special fad diet that will get you lean within a couple of weeks.
Rapid weight loss will often return just as quickly and then you'll end up in a vicious cycle. I've been there and tried it....it doesn't work.
Here are a few tips to get started with:
Cut junk food out Eat clean food at regular intervals Move more (walking, cleaning, take the stairs) Lift weights Drink water Cut down on alcohol
And stick to it. Some bodybuilders can take 20 weeks to get stage ready...that's 5 months! Yet let me guess, they've got it easy?
No, they just put the effort in.
Have a word with yourself...this isn't just about fat loss, this is also long term health.
If you can't be arsed to put some effort into improving your body which you constantly hammer with bad food and drink, then don't expect it to be kind back.
Just saying.
Free meal plans and non stop education is available to all of our members here at MuscleFactory... it's never too late to learn.
Now with my morning rant over...have a good day.
No joining fees and great membership options.
⏰Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 06.00-21.00 Sat: 09.30-17.00
Sun: 10.00-16.00 ______________________
MuscleFactory Gymnasium William Street End Swinton South Yorkshire S64 8BP
01709 591 846
