Long time MuscleFactory member Paul Xmas weight trains regularly without fail and sticks to a clean, healthy diet year round. Don't worry, he also enjoys the odd treat in moderation...he just loves looking and feeling great!
Weight training as you get older is the perfect way to keep muscles, bones and joints strong and will help you to carry out day to day jobs with ease. It also helps to keep your balance, coordination and reflexes in top working order as well as contributing to good cardiovascular, immune and general health.
It's never too old to get started as one other MuscleFactory member Big Brian would tell you, he didn't start coming until he was in his late 70s!
MuscleFactory Gymnasium William Street End Swinton South Yorkshire S64 8BP
01709 591846
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° www.musclefactoryswinton.co.uk